You’re Going to Love This Kid!
Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom
What if your school just said “yes” to inclusion?
How would students with and without autism benefit? How would you solve the challenges? What do great inclusive schools really look like? Paula Kluth has the answers—and now they’re on one powerful DVD that will help make your school an inclusion success story.
Landlocked Films co-produced this video with Brookes Publishing and Dr. Paula Kluth, one of the foremost visionaries of inclusive education.
“Finally! A DVD that not only talks about inclusion, asks the important questions related to the issues of inclusion but also SHOWS us how it is done—in the classroom and in the planning states before the classroom. . . . Paula has made facilitating these workshops fun and easy. . . a MUST HAVE in every school library, college, university, and parent resource centre.” — Review, Beyond the Crayon
The DVD is available from Brookes on its website.