Praise for “We Thought You’d Never Ask”
Rosalynn and I welcome the release of the documentary, “We Thought You’d Never Ask.” These first person accounts provide a window into the lives of those affected by autism. We applaud this rich portrayal of the diversity, creativity, and insightfulness of people with autism, and hope that it will promote understanding and further research and support for the autism community.
-Former President Jimmy Carter
Understanding autism MUST begin with the authentic voices of those on the spectrum. “We Thought You’d Never Ask: Voices of People With Autism” features noted self-advocate leaders providing information, insights, philosophies and perspectives about their lives, opening the doors of understanding about needed supports. Professionals, family members and self-advocates should note that there has not been another film quite like this before–a must see! -Patrick Schwarz, Ph.D. Professor, Diversity in Learning & Teaching Department National-Louis University, Chicago
The true experts on disability are the people who are “walking the walk.” This video gives us the opportunity to listen to and learn from them. We have so much to learn, and they have so much to teach us!
-Sandra McClennen, Ph.D. Educator and Psychologist Professor Emerita, Department of Special Education Eastern Michigan University
This is the single most powerful film on ASD to date. Any and all autism workshops or University courses (when lead by neurotypicals) should begin and end with this film – framing our work on behalf of people with ASD with the voices of people with ASD. For those committed to self-determination and self-advocacy in the disability field, this film allows you to walk the talk; it is an exemplar of what our field might look like if in fact we make room for leadership by people with disabilities. In my work as a provider of professional development, I am constantly searching for videos that portray people with ASD in authentic and respectful ways. This new video provides EXACTLY what is needed – a video where people with ASD are defining ASD, reflecting on their strengths and struggles, and providing much needed insight and advice to the field. Take 30 minutes of your life and experience a truer understanding of autism. Watch this video!
-Michael McSheehan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Project Coordinator, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire
“Voices” is a wonderful montage of some of the most interesting people you could ever meet. Their voices from the heart remind us of the richness of diversity and the courage of those whose experience is “different”. Buy it and share it. It is a must for every classroom, University and library …and every home!
-Anne M. Donnellan, Ph.D. Professor School of Leadership and Education Sciences Director, USD Autism Institute University of San Diego