Landlocked Films is an independent documentary video company based in Boulder, Colorado, owned and run by Beret E. Strong and John Tweedy. Beret and John have been producing documentaries and educational videos since 1994. Their films have been broadcast on PBS, screened at dozens of film festivals around the world, and won the CINE Golden Eagle, among other awards.

Beret is also a writer and teacher.  She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Brown University and an M.F.A. in poetry from Warren Wilson College.  She is the co-author of two books of Pacific island myths and legends and the author of a book on the poetic avant-garde between the world wars.  She has worked as a writer/grantwriter for filmmaker Dorothy Fadiman on When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories, nominated for an Academy Award in 1993, and for Maren Monsen, MD, Filmmaker in Residence at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics.

John is also a mediator, lawyer, and writer.  He received his law degree from Stanford Law School and an M.A. in Sociology from Brown University.  He mediates domestic relations, property, and commercial conflicts for the Colorado Office of Dispute Resolution, and he counsels legal clients who have disputes over property, business, construction, and special education.  He also writes columns and editorials for the Boulder Daily Camera newspaper, and a Facebook blog. 

Beret and John live in Boulder with two cats, a dog, and intermittently a son or daughter.


Comments ( 24 )

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    Look at a tangibles lure from a shackles in because victory.
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